Monday, February 25, 2013

We Came, We Saw, We Co-Learned

Last Friday, Feb 22nd I organized a co-learning event, graciously hosted by Business Casual Coworking, in Bristol, PA. If you aren't quite sure what I mean by co-learning, I introduced the concept in a previous blog post.

We all got together to watch Day 1 of Ryan Holiday's creativeLive course Smart PR for Artists, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business. The event went really well, it was a small crowd but I think that we all agreed that there was a benefit in coming together vs watching the course solo at home. Having assembled a group I really wanted to try out Gamestorming, so we did the Lo-Tech Social Network on our first break. During subsequent breaks we were able to chat about the course content and general social media strategies for business. Though interacting with people face to face was great, I don't think we got the full effect of being connected with the global audience since we didn't interact much through chat. I will say though on the creativeLive end, this particular course on this particular day didn't seem to integrate as many questions/comments from the net as I've seen in previous courses. So to that end it was good that we had each other to bounce ideas off of and get clarification on things. For future events, I'll have to figure out if there is a better way to balance the two.

Because I like to combine high touch and high tech (and love Web 2.0 tools) we wrapped up by using polleverywhere to gather feedback.

Here are some shots from the event, uploaded from my phone. I was also taking visual notes during portions of the class and I've included those here too.

Overall I think it was a good event, and I look forward to doing it again!

1 comment:

  1. For me, the best part about learning is discussion of a topic. Colearning provided that for me.
